Friday, August 17, 2012

Should I fix my phone or wait for the new one?

As many of you know, the iPhone 5 is rumored to come out in September.  So when people break their phone a few months prior to a big launch such as this, they are left asking themselves whether they should get their current device repaired, replaced, or just hold out for a new device.

Personally, I would have to get my device repaired or replaced.  I am constantly on the go and use my phone to stay in constant contact with clients and my store managers.  If I do not have my phone, I am unable to perform many daily tasks.  Plus I do not want to go worrying if I am going to cut my finger or face on a cracked screen or deal with a pesky power button that won't allow me to lock my phone.

Many people hold off on repairing their devices because they want to save for the latest and greatest.  We totally understand that, but did you know that you can usually sell your device back to a local repair shop or even to companies such as Gazelle who will typically pay you either what it cost to get the device repaired or more whereas if you just kept the broken device, it would not be worth much at all if anything!  As of right now, most repairs on an iPhone 4 or 4S cost less than $100.  A good condition iPhone 4 or 4S can easily sell for $150 to $250.

If anyone reading our blogs ever has a question, I would love to hear it!  Feel free to email me at

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